Get new hires performing 50% faster

We help Series A-C tech startups reduce how long it takes new recruits to become proficient with an innovative approach to onboarding

“Ant is a deep thinker who has the capacity to drive real change in fast moving companies. When it comes to people systems and onboarding, he has the experience to add value to any revenue team.”

— Ryan Macpherson, CEO of Coassemble


💡 How we do it

We build an “onboarding ecosystem” of workflows and supporting systems using your existing tools and tech that include:

  • Business-critical, guided workflows (with integrated “just-in-time” performance support) that surface at the moment they’re needed.

  • Performance evaluation workflows to enable managers to give new starters objective, real-time feedback.

  • A central operations hub consolidating all information needed by new recruits into one central location.

“So often, we hear about startups investing all their resources into finding great people. But these people are thrown into the role with some haphazard training and random resources and expected to perform. It’s no wonder they get demoralized and can’t deliver. When onboarding is engineered to deliver high performance, results skyrocket.

— Ant Pugh, Consultant and Co-Founder

😫 Consequences of dysfunctional onboarding

Hiring great people is a waste of time if you don’t set them up for success. Ineffective onboarding means:

  • New recruits take months to become proficient

  • Managers spend all their time handholding

  • High potential people become demoralized and leave

  • You waste time and money hiring new people

  • Teams miss opportunities and the business flounders

Dysfunctional onboarding can make or break your startup.

“The great thing about effective onboarding is that the benefits are exponential. Not only do new starters consistently surpass their expected level of performance, existing staff can leverage these best practices too. The new way of working becomes the only way of working and the whole team benefits.”

— Jerald Rogers, Consultant and Co-Founder

🏃‍♂️ Hit the ground running

Imagine an approach to onboarding which enables new recruits to hit their targets within weeks rather than months, leaving them feeling confident and energized instead of stressed and overwhelmed.

Imagine scaling your team without hand-holding new starters, leaving managers to do the high-value work they should be doing.

Imagine building a team in which operational improvement is an inherent part of the culture, and your operations improve as your team grows.

Imagine a team that consistently hits and surpasses your revenue goals because your business operations create flow, not friction.

This is not a pipe dream—and the way to achieve it is with an “onboarding ecosystem.”

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

— James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

⚙️ Scientific, data-driven operations

We create an “onboarding ecosystem” of workflows and supporting systems. Everything people need to become self-sufficient and highly productive is built into this ecosystem.

Our onboarding ecosystems leverage existing tools and systems to achieve unusually high efficiency, effectiveness and synergy.

This approach drives high performance on an individual level, leading to measurable results for your entire team.

5 reasons onboarding fails (and how to fix it!)